Ken Caughey can’t wait for a world in which they simply get to exist free of scrutiny, oddity, or disgust. While we work towards that, they are excited to be a part of the ENBY Ensemble and to explore, create, and share with other non-binary artists. Identity can be isolating and Ken wants to use this opportunity to help move us to a place where identity serves to bring folx together instead. It has been an uncertain path from discovering a voice at all, to muddling their way through theatre school and life with a half-baked sense of self, to only now starting to find a voice that they can call their own. Ken is excited and curious to see how discovering and embracing their identity will continue to change them and their priorities moving forward. For now they are focused on examining and exploring how non-binary humans exist and thrive in a very gendered world. Ken endlessly thanks the loved ones in their life that let them be the person they’ve always needed to be.