Cahoots' first return to the live stage since pre-pandemic days reunites Tanisha with award-winning playwright Steven Elliott Jackson, in their first creative collaboration since the 2017 hit The Seat Next To The King. Directed by Taitt and starring Tristan Claxton, Jamar Adams-Thompson and Jack Copland, Three Ordinary Men is inspired by the real-life circumstances met by civil rights workers Michael Schwerner, James Chaney, and Andrew Goodman, whose disappearance during Freedom Summer on June 21st, 1964 would indelibly etch their names into the memory of a movement and the conscience of a nation.
Nominated for five Dora Awards including Outstanding Production.
Purchasing tickets is easy.
Tickets can be purchased at the link below. We offer pay what you can afford ticketing with price tiers at $25, $40, and $50
School groups can contract to take advantage of school group pricing.